What is Partytown?
Partytown belongs to Performance category.
Partytown is a library that helps improve website performance by relocating resource-intensive scripts to a web worker, off the main thread.
Top Partytown Alternatives
Cloudflare Zaraz
3 websites|1 uptime cardCloudflare Zaraz is a tool for managing and optimizing third-party scripts, improving website speed and security by offloading them to Cloudflare's edge.
0 websites|0 uptime cardsTurbolinks is a Ruby on Rails feature that speeds up page navigation in web applications by using AJAX to load new pages.
1 website|0 uptime cardsBlitz is a static page caching plugin for Craft CMS, designed to significantly improve website loading speeds through intelligent caching mechanisms.
Cloudflare Rocket Loader
6 websites|0 uptime cardsCloudflare Rocket Loader is a performance optimization feature that prioritizes content loading by deferring JavaScript execution.
Google Cloud Trace
2 websites|0 uptime cardsGoogle Cloud Trace is a distributed tracing system for collecting and analyzing latency data from cloud applications.