What is _hyperscript ?
_hyperscript belongs to JavaScript libraries category.
_hyperscript is a scripting language for adding interactivity to the front-end.
_hyperscript Performance Insights
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Top _hyperscript Alternatives

2 websites|1 uptime cardHeadJS is a small JavaScript library that aims to simplify and speed up web development. It offers features like asynchronous resource loading, responsive design helpers, and feature detection. HeadJS allows developers to load JavaScript and CSS files in parallel, potentially improving page load times. Its responsive design helpers make it easier to adapt layouts based on screen size and orientation. While less commonly used in modern development compared to newer alternatives, HeadJS remains a useful tool for projects requiring lightweight, browser-focused optimizations.

4 websites|4 uptime cardsA small and easy-to-use javascript library that helps you creating fluid and smooth transitions between your website's pages.

1 website|1 uptime cardfullPage.js is a popular JavaScript library for creating full-screen scrolling websites, also known as single-page websites or one-page sites. It provides smooth, customizable scrolling between sections of a webpage, with support for horizontal sliders within sections. fullPage.js offers features like lazy loading of media, parallax effects, and responsive design. Its API allows for deep customization and event handling, making it suitable for creating engaging, storytelling websites, portfolios, and product showcases where immersive scrolling experiences are desired.

Locomotive Scroll
1 website|1 uptime cardLocomotive Scroll is a modern, opinionated JavaScript library for creating smooth scrolling experiences and advanced scroll-based animations. It offers a range of features including parallax effects, speed-based animations, and directional awareness. Locomotive Scroll stands out for its performance optimization techniques, such as using IntersectionObserver and RequestAnimationFrame for efficient animations. This library is particularly useful for creating engaging, scroll-driven websites with complex animations and interactions, often seen in portfolio sites, product showcases, and storytelling web experiences.
5 websites|4 uptime cardsSnap.svg is a powerful SVG manipulation library for modern web browsers. It provides an intuitive API for creating, animating, and interacting with SVG graphics. Snap.svg goes beyond basic SVG capabilities, offering advanced features like masking, clipping, patterns, and gradients. It's particularly useful for creating dynamic, interactive vector graphics and data visualizations in web applications. Snap.svg's API is designed to be familiar to developers who have worked with Raphaël.js, but with a focus on modern SVG features.